There's this television show called Pushing Daisies which is pretty good - it's a clever murder-mystery-supernatural-comedy-pie-making-really-cute-girl show that makes me laugh. But the best part of the show is the entire world that it takes place in. It feels like a Christmas claymation world, with a pie-shaped pie shop, color saturated fruit, and mosaic tiled sewers. In this town (which has a French name; remember, when not used as an insult, French language and customs equal magic in fiction), there is even a narration by a very nice old man, or at least someone who sounds like a nice old man. I wish he was my grandfather.
The point it, this show Pushing Daisies is how I imagine Rome is: bright colors and entire shops devoted to pop-up books. It's a retreat from here to a Technicolor world, where, I imagine, some wonderful people who always wear scarves will feed me delicious free gelato.
Oh yeah, if you didn't know, I'm going to Rome. Sorry. But I don't mind.
Someone said I should have a blog, and when I said I'd think about it I was really lying, because back in November I created a blog and furiously related science fiction to the world. I was just trying to get more people to watch Battlestar Razor.
So I'm in Rome for a semester, and if you feel like it, you might read this blog once in a while. I strongly suspect the whole trip will be one extended picnic, with some mixed pastas and wine, so if you're into that sort of thing you should do it yourself and not read about it. But if you don't like the outdoors, old ruins, democracy, history in general, the Catholic Church, or the last Winter Olympics, yet have a sincere interest, maybe you might read this once or twice more.
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