Monday, February 11, 2008

WGA Strike Ends! The World Rotates Once More!

A deal was reached this past weekend, a contract that should end the Writers Guild of America strike. By all accounts, it is not a fantastically positive deal that will make all writers fabulously wealthy, but it is a good deal, an improvement from the deal offered in November, the deal that started this whole ordeal (does that count as a pun?, I don't think so). And the writers of Battlestar Galactica support it.

The WGA has announced a vote on Tuesday, February 11th, in order to ratify the new contract, and popular opinion is that it will indeed be ratified. What does this mean? More episodes of LOST, hopefully. A full season of Battlestar (which will sadly prove to be it's last). And, hope against hope, possibly a pinch more episodes of Pushing Daisies? I'll keep you posted, as I continue to read news articles then post about them, as if I uncovered this information in a fit of solo journalism.

For now, though, clap your hands and laugh, for the world which had once been stopped on its hinges, not by John Galt, but maybe by several smaller Johns (John August, John Logan, John Locke) and variously named career writers, has now begun to turn. And hopefully churn out more Battlestar.

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