Pope Benedict XVI declared yesterday a worldwide holiday, as it marked the first day that Heroes fans have been free of Alejandro, the South American suave who's power was preventing one other hero to use her power. That in itself sounds pretty limiting, but when coupled with the fact that the other hero's power is crying, you begin to feel really good he's dead. Hopefully, Maya and West will also meet his safe fate (shanked with a razor) next week.
Sadly, I think that Kristen Bell will kick the bucket as well, when she gets pushed into some body of water by that cheerleader.
I'm starting to feel like Heroes is the child that I don't want to see faults in, but in a few years is going to either be in jail for hustling or be in my basement because they have no where else to go. There are so many problems, even after Tim Kring swore he would never sin again. One, two, three...no, two, only two main heroes are involved in saving the world this time. And you'd think when Peter and Hiro faced off in a battle it would be awesome, but it's facing up to look like a middle school fight behind the big tree.
Nikki and Micah's season finale? To steal a comic book back from some street thugs. And, let's face it, what good is Micah's cousin? Why do I care? Or rather, why should I care, because I don't. Claire's entire life has faded into a melodrama. And the part that's shaping up to be good (aka Adam Morton and the mysteries of the Company) is overshadowed by Peter's lack of logic: his refusal to question Adam and the idea that somehow by stopping the virus Catlin will magically appear.
In other news, heads cannot be regenerated, both Hiro's and Peter's power does not include the power of reasoning, Claire's plan to destroy the Company includes a press conference, and Sylar is a network appointed hitman.
Teasers for the season finale (already?) announced two main heroes will die. My money? Nathan Petrelli and Kristen Bell. After Maya and West, of course.