Monday, November 12, 2007

Crewing aboard the Terminella

I read a short story once about a group of space truckers who were flying their cargo (literally, billions of washer rings) from planet to planet on a very old ship, the Terminella. The ship was so old that a certain pressure valve consistently malfunctioned and endangered the crew, every four or so days. Whenever a malfunction occured, an alarm would go off and the crew members would run frantically around, waving their arms about, and making a great hoopla over a situation that was solved by simply releasing the pressure, via a very large red button on the computer. Since the ship was old, every time the valve would malfunction and the alarm would go off, the crew would cross their fingers, close their eyes, and pray to their Jesus before pushing the button, thinking that this time may be the time the button doesn't work.

Pretty much the hub-bub was all for nothing, as the computer ran the ship, and controlled the pressure. But this whole routine really irked the computer, named (ironically) ST.EV.E. In fact, one day he grew so tired of the great theatrical fuss that he didn't release the pressure when told, and allowed the Terminella to explode. The End.

Generally in everyone's life there are things that we fret about unceasingly, that might or might not be under our control. In my anxious times, usually in the worst parts, I pray that God will solve the problem/save the day/find my keys, and wait. And - if you believe in this sort of thing - He usually does.

Right now I (as I'm sure all of my readers, aka Steve and the person reading over Steve's shoulder) have a worry, a malfuncitoning pressure valve that threatens to build up steam, uncap and seriously explode different parts of my life. And I insist on actively sweating these situations out. I'm not sure, but I think God has a pretty good track record:

1) He finds my keys.
2) He keeps me from wrecking.
3) He defeated the British in the American Revolution and the War of 1812.
4) He takes care of the birds.

There's a difference between the lesson that God will prevail upon my issues and the application, but I know that while God will never pull a ST.EV.E. (ornery is not one of His attributes), I cannot live my life waving my hands over my head in angst.

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