Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I Make New Friends, II

This past Sunday was the second Sunday that I have gone to church. This time I went with friends, knew the surroundings, and was even able to greet people, but that did not make this church experience any less awkward. In fact, it was well more awkward than before.

The high level of awkward had nothing to do with the service: it was uneventful (except for the sacrifice; I still haven't gotten used to that). The Rome Baptist Church itself is pretty plain jane - and I love it that way. It's a church stripped of Christian tradition, of 2000 years of complications; it seems to me to be like an early fellowship, without the stylish togas.

No, the awkward time came afterwards. The pastor's wife invited the students from Arkansas to come to her house later that evening, to watch a movie. So we came - and happened upon the church's growing singles ministry. Wow. I've made a lot of mistakes, but I just did not know how to deal with this one.

I'll cut to the end: the jokes were stilted and tired, the food was mediocre, and the movie was okay, but it felt good. It felt real good, to be awkward, and to have that awkwardness met by more awkward people. It's just good to fellowship, no matter what the feelings. I even met a new friend; no, Mircea, to my disappointment, was not there, but an Australian named David was. He told me he liked my flannel, and we were fast friends. I told him to call me next time he goes to karaoke.

1 comment:

Nathan Allen said...

You totally hit the nail on the head. I feel like I am there now. Awkward is right, et cetera et cetera...